Masaganang Agrikultura, Maunlad na Ekonomiya!

Society Towards Reinforcing Inherent Viability for Enrichment


This is to inform the general public that SOCIETY TOWARDS REINFORCING INHERENT VIABILITY FOR ENRICHMENT (SIKAP / STRIVE) is applying for accreditation with the Department of Agriculture (DA) as implementing partner of DA Programs and Projects:


Name of CSO       :        Society Towards Reinforcing Inherent Viability for Enrichment

Names of CSO Officers : Dr. Leonardo Gonzales, Dr. Dolores Ramirez, Dr. Ava Vivian Gonzales, Alphonsus Gonzales, Anthony Leonardo Gonzales

Address of CSO      : One Tepeyec Place, Governor San Luis Rd., Putho-Tuntungin, Los Baños, Laguna

Nature of Services : Agriculture and Manpower Development / Training


We are encouraging the general public to submit a sworn report of any derogatory record of the applicant CSO to the Field Operations Service, 4th Floor DA-OSEC Building, Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City.