Author: DA-BAC | 16 May 2017
Notice of Award to SWEET ONION CUISINE AND CATERING SERVICES for the Food Provision for the Hosting of the 20th Meeting of the National Focal Points for ASEAN Cocoa Club (ACC) on ASEAN Cooperation and Joint Approaches in Agriculture and Forest Products Promotion Scheme Back-to-Back with the 9th ACC Technical Working Group on Food Safety (ACC TWGFS) and the 6th ACC Technical Working Group on Good Agriculture Practices (ACC TWGGAP) Meetings to be held at the De La Salle University, Taft Avenue, Manila on May 16-19, 2017 under PRAS No. 17-0657 in the total amount of Two Hundred Ninety-One Thousand Pesos (PhP291,000.00) only.