Masaganang Agrikultura, Maunlad na Ekonomiya!

DA, IRRI MOU Signing (February 13, 2024)

Author: DA-AFID | 14 February 2024

Department of Agriculture Secretary Francisco P. Tiu Laurel, Jr. and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) Interim Director General Ajay Kohli sign a memorandum of understanding on scientific and technical collaboration to enhance the Philippine rice industry production.

The MOU seeks to enhance the partnership between the two agencies to ensure food security, globally competitive rice industries, and enhanced resilience for Filipino farmers in the face of climate change.

Witnessing the signing of the MOU are (from left) Roger Navarro, DA Undersecretary for Operations; Joanna Kane-Potaka, IRRI Deputy Director General for Strategy, Engagement, and Impact; and Alice Laborde, IRRI Research Coordinator for the Philippines. (photos by Jay Morales, DA-OSEC)